A Senior Product Manager based in Ottawa, Canada, I work at the forefront of business process automation.

My career began in 2008 as a software developer, and has evolved through a diverse range of pivotal roles that have each uniquely enriched my industry understanding. I've served as a team lead and solutions architect at a prominent professional services firm, managed technical integrations and partnerships at an agile SaaS startup, and led customer success and engagement initiatives across a portfolio of enterprise products. Currently, I’m helping to shape development for a cutting-edge enterprise cloud integration platform.

With each progressive role, I gain invaluable insights into what makes for a truly impactful product or service. My career ethos is to connect people and technology, as I believe this is the cornerstone of efficiency, and what helps us recapture that most precious resource of all; our time.


  • Deltek (Unionpoint)

    Influence product roadmap and strategic vision for a cloud integration platform; focused on allowing seamless integration between hundreds of commonly used SaaS and on-premise applications; enabling clients to easily automate business workflows.

    Collect and analyze feature requets from stakeholders, customers and prospect, in order to create and prioritize product backlog that aligns with market demands.

    Coordinate product trials, and collaborate in pre-sales engagements, product marketing events, documentation and onboarding for both internal and customer use, as this multi-pronged approach gives me a pulse for what’s happening around my product, and offers invaluable direct insights for future enhancements while simultaneously facilitating customer education and faster product adoption.

  • Deltek (WorkBook & ConceptShare)

    Boosted customer loyalty across multiple products and spearheaded numerous cross-departmental initiatives to identify and address gaps in the customer journey.

    Deepened customer understanding of key product functions and created educational programs that bring subject matter experts and end users together to learn and discuss highly valuable topics and product features. This effort ran the entire gamut from coordination, marketing, recording, editing, production, through to hosting and distribution of on-demand videos and hosting live engagements.

    Tripled monthly viewership numbers and user participation rates by creating a hybrid platform with both self-service on-demand videos and live training sessions. Results included positive customer feedback, increased engagement numbers, uptick in product utilization and increased services contracts.

    Created a developer portal that set the standard for developer experiences for other products across the company.

    Played instrumental role in research and adoption of several new technology platforms for company wide use including product experience, developer portal, and API management tools.

    Reduced manual effort across a team of hundreds by creating automated and reusable resources for customer outreach programs, used throughout the entire organization.

  • ConceptShare

    Boosted customer satisfaction while significantly reducing support overhead by more than 75%.

    Directed customer success team and increased customer satisfaction through improved onboarding and product adoption experience.

    Implemented formal customer communication procedures, improved documentation for the product feature, releases, maintenance procedures for SaaS and on-premise clients.

    Created a greenfield developer portal technical product blogs, design architectures, best practices, guides, and tutorials.

    Created automation tools to accelerate batch user onboarding and off-boarding of large customers, saving multiple days worth of manual effort.

    Kept product team continually appraised of technical features and roadmap priorities needed in order maintain product alignment with strategic customers and partners.

  • ConceptShare

    Established and implemented a partner-first strategy, paving the way to onboard and support technical partnerships quickly and efficiently, opening the door to new revenue streams.

    Kick-started the developer experience by crafting valuable development resources and comprehensive reference documentation, including guides, tutorials, how-to's, FAQs and up-to-date API references documentation.

    Created technical support rails and procedures to support larger and more sophisticated integrated partners and customers with technical needs.

    Co-created a product support strategy to accommodate both smaller and fast-moving customers as well as larger slow-moving customers with tightly coupled solutions and strict support and maintenance requirements.

    Served as the primary liaison for technical integrations with partners and large enterprise customers, playing a key role in product alignment as well as customer acquisition, onboarding, growth, and retention.

  • Macadamian Technologies

    Served as the go-to technical expert for solutions ranging from mobile and desktop applications (Android & Windows), Smart TVs, mobile payment systems, IoT projects, and others.

    Collaborated with sales teams for client engagements, requirements gathering, and solution planning, encompassing team structure, technology stacks, and project timelines, and costs.

    Co-delivered multi-day paid client workshops to effectively guide customers to define business and success requirements, and to form a comprehensive set of solution requirements.

    Authored proposals and RFP responses; the quality of which secured customer trust and established credibility in our ability to deliver effective solutions, winning numerous contracts.

  • Macadamian Technologies

    Entered the tech industry equipped with a Computer Engineering Technology education as Software Developer.

    Quickly progressed through roles, gaining comprehensive experience in software development, team collaboration, and project management.

    Delivered projects using a variety of technology stacks and development methodologies, including desktop, mobile and web applications, setting the stage for future roles.

Tools & Technoloy

  • C# (.NET, Unity, WPF, XAML, MVVM)


    SQL, (T-SQL, SQLite)


    Python, Lua Script,Javascript

    HTML, CSS, JQuery, Angular

    C / C++

  • OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android Open Source

    Devices: Android, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Arduino, Particle Board, Electric Imp

  • Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, Eclipse

    Unity Editor

    Unionpoint, Workato

    Git / Github

    TFS, Jira, Trello, TargetProcess

    Microsoft Office Tools, Google Suite

    Camtasia, Synthesia, Adobe Premier Pro

    Adobe Photoshop, GIMP

    Power BI, Azure Application Insights

    Fusion 360

    Slack, Teams, Zoom, WebEx

    Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce

    ConceptShare, WorkBook, QuickBooks

Other Interests

  • Airplanes have had me spellbound since childhood. In fact, getting my first flight sims to work on an ancient 486 running DOS was my gateway into the tech world. Today, I've clocked in about 100 real flight hours, mainly flying Cessna 150s with the Ottawa Flying Club.

    When Microsoft announced its 2020 simulator reboot, I was part of the pre-alpha, quality-checking the upcoming release and soaking in the incredible amount of effort and detail poured into it. The real-world map data integration was and remains mind-blowing. I flew virtual laps around my home airport, recognizing the landmarks that guide me in real life. It's invaluable for training.

    Playing Kerbal Space Program taught me more about space flight and orbital mechanics than I ever learned about in school. Advancements in VR, specialized controllers, improved graphics, and even motion rigs that add a physical dimension to the experience are pushing simulation closer and closer to reality.

    As someone who's built a modest simulation rig, I can't emphasize enough how vital it is for training. You can simulate real-world procedures, and even physical cockpit layouts for a fraction of the cost of the actual flight lessons, and you can repeat the lessons as many times as it takes to develop the figurative and literal muscle memory.

    Whether in tech or aviation, the mantra "don't test in prod" rings true. Prepare and practice for emergencies in a controlled setting, not during the real thing. I believe better simulators help to make better pilots.

  • Offering an adventure that's both immersive and interactive, motorcycling has become developed into a favorite passtime. Unlike driving my SUV, which is more about arriving at a known destination, riding gives me a far greater sense of immersion and active participation in the journey.

    The simplicity of motorcycles has been a gateway into mechanics for me. From basic maintenance to customizing and 3D printing my own parts, I find the whole process approachable and rewarding. It's more than just a ride; it's a hands-on experience that's both intriguing and manageable.

  • What began as a single date-night activity in 2017 with my girlfriend snowballed into an all-out passion. Classes, trips, exhibits—we dove in. By 2020, we said goodbye to our downtown Ottawa condo and hello to a small suburban home in the outskirts of town, dreaming of our own kiln and pottery studio. Fast forward to 2022, and we've made that dream a reality.

    Pottery is my happy medium, blending creativity ("What will this become?") with analytics ("How do I make that happen?"). It's trained me to become more tuned in to my senses, something that doesn't come naturally when you spend decades focused on computers and abstract ideas.

    Working with clay is like having a conversation; it gives you real-time feedback through touch, sight, and even smell. Miss a signal, and your clay goes from a work of art to a lump. I love how it keeps me present, a much-needed skill in our always-online, infinite-scrolling world.

    I'm a fan of mixing materials—metals, ceramics, woods, plastics. Each has its own quirks, and the experimentation is half the fun. From brainstorming to execution, I love thinking about scalability as much as I love making one-of-a-kind pieces.

    Making things at home gives them special value. It brings manufacturing back into the home and takes it away from the stereotype of dark, dingy factories. It also changes your perspective on even the simplest items; understanding the work that goes into even a paperclip can make you better appreciate the world's abundance and interconnectedness. And, in that discovery, I find a lot of hope for the future.

Get in touch.

Feel free to contact me for any inquiries, potential collaborations, or simply to discuss tech. I'm always open to connecting, sharing knowledge, and learning from others.